Wood Brace 68T4 6x6

  • Wood Brace 68T4 6x6
  • Wood Brace 68T4 6x6
  • Wood Brace 68T4 6x6
  • Wood Brace 68T4 6x6

Product Overview

Timber Build


Wooden Knee Braces are handcrafted of solid Western Red Cedar Timbers. Cedar timbers have unique natural colors, grains, tight knots and textures. The bracket is finished with the option you selected and ready for applying your paint or stain depending on your project requirements.

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Since we do all our manufacturing in-house, we have endless flexibility regarding Custom Work.

  • Adjust the size of any of our products
  • Modify the design of our products
  • Work from your plans or hand-drawn sketches
  • Build products using any Wood Species